Bioprintingfor Life
3DBS participates in the construction of the future of regenerative medicine by developing equipment and applications that support the development of biomimetic tissues and functional in vitro models.


We have developed alternative models of bioprinted skin, intestinal barrier and liver spheroides to replace animal guinea pigs, providing the need for tests to assess the efficacy and safety of cosmetic products, medicines and new food products.
Inspired by the structures of nature, our goal is to enable the reconstruction of biomimetic tissues and organs that act as native tissues.
Who we are
Inspired by nature’s structures, we rebuild tissues 3DBS is a Brazilian startup founded in 2017 that develops in vitro skin models and scaffolds, using proprietary technologies, as 3D bioprinting and electrospinning.
We also develop biomanufacturing technologies meeting the specific demands of our customers.
We believe that the future of tissue engineering lies in collaboration and joint efforts that will enable innovative applications for regenerative medicine.
3DBS works on different fronts to support your research




Biofabrication Services
Our Team

Ana Luiza Millás
Dr. Ana Millás is a biologist, with a postdoctoral degree from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP/São Paulo, a PhD in Materials and Bioprocess Engineering and a master’s degree in Polymer Technology from the School of Chemical Engineering at UNICAMP. She carried out part of her research in internationally renowned centers and institutions, including Cornell University in the United States, Nottingham Trent University, and The Electrospinning Company in England.

Pedro Massaguer
Business Developer, specializes in Strategic Business Management. He completed a master’s and doctorate in the Scientific and Technological Policy program at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He has experience in innovative technology-based projects, business development and strategic planning in the area of Biotechnology.

Hamilton Oriente
Graduated in Electrical Technology with emphasis in Electronics from Universidade Mackenzie, post-graduated in Quality and Productivity from USP – Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini and in Management Development from Faculdade Getulio Vargas. He is specialized in the manufacturing of 3D printers based on FDM processes, and in the construction of small CNC equipment with 3 and 4 axes.

Mauro Bento de Oliveira
Electromechanical technician with experience in the area of microelectronics, graphic design, and development of equipment in the area of additive manufacturing.

Karen Galvão
FAPESP scholarship
Bachelor in Biological Sciences at UNICAMP. She received a scholarship at the Cell Biology and Human Physiology laboratory at UNICAMP, where she worked with cardiac tissue remodeling and was an intern at the Nutrition and Cancer laboratory. She has experience in histological analysis, western blotting, and cell culture.

Geovany Candido
FAPESP scholarship
Graduated in Systems Development and Analysis at the School of Technology of Campinas – FATEC, technician in Electro-electronics by the Federal Institute of São Paulo and technician in Mechanics by Etec Bento Quirino. He has experience with several Additive Manufacturing processes (SLS, PolyJet, FDM, WaxJet and EBM) by CTI – Renato Archer.

Paula Hayakawa Serpa
Bachelors in Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis on Infectious Diseases and Integrative Biology with a focus on Human and Health Sciences, and a Minor in Global Public Health, from the University of California, Berkeley. She has experience in psychology, epidemiological, infectious disease and genetic sequencing research. She is currently a Medical Student and shares a great interest in advancing knowledge in the medical, scientific and public health fields through disruptive innovation.
Latest News
Entrevista Pedro Massaguer – co fundador 3DBS – Empreendedorismo de Base Tecnológica
Entrevista do Diretor Dr. Marcelo Napimoga da Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic com a Dra. Ana Luiza Millás, co-fundadora e diretora científica da startup 3DBS. Impressão de tecidos humanos.
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